
Scientific Activity, Teaching, Publishing

  • 1971-2000, professor of history at Târgu Jiu.
  • 2001 (from), I taught the Apitherapy Course in the ANATECOR: it was the first apitherapy course taught in Romania, resulting in the first apitherapeutists with recognized diplomas; a few years ago the apitherapy became a medical competence. In this course I was my own student and because I passed the final examination, I obtained the DIPLOMA no.1; my son - Călin Andrițoiu, who was a student of this first course - in the high school I was his class master - received the DIPLOMA no. 2)
  • 2003 (from), I received a teaching degree of ANATECOR lecturer for the apitherapy course
  • 2004-2006, applicant to the Masters in Medical Sciences, the section "Techniques of Cell Biology in the Diagnosis of Diseases", Faculty of General Medicine, the dissertation thesis "Apitherapy in  Family Planning"
  • At the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr T. Popa", Iasi, I taught postgraduate courses (for doctors and pharmacists)
  • 2008-2009, Lecturer for the postgraduated course Clinical Apitherapy
  • 2010-2011, Lecturer for the postgraduate course Fundamentals of Apitherapy, Clinic Apitherapy, New Materials based on Natural Polymers and Apitherapy Agents (both courses were taught in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology)
  • 2008-2012, applicant for PhD in medical sciences with the UMF "Gr T. Popa", with the theme “Rebalancing Plasma Proteins by Apitheray. Its Importance in the Treatment of Inherited or Acquired Autoimmune Diseases” (after passing the thesis in February 2012, I obtained a PhD in medical sciences).


  • National Association of Complementary Therapies (from 2001)
  • Romanian Society of Cell Biology, Iaşi Branch (from 2004)

BOOKS PUBLISHED - as sole author

  • Andriţoiu V., Apitherapy’s ABC, Point Publishing House, Tg-Jiu, 1995
  • Andriţoiu V., Between a Kingdom and two Empires.1526-1699, Point Publishing House, Targu-Jiu, 1996
  • Andriţoiu V., Chrestomathy of Gorj History, Point Publishing House, Targu-Jiu, 1988
  • Andriţoiu V., 209 Apitherapeutic Recipes, Nipexim Publishing House, Targu-Jiu, 1999

BOOKS PUBLISHED - together with my son, the physician CălinAndrițoiu

  • Andriţoiu V., Andriţoiu C.V., Cases and Clinical Trials in Apitherapy, Venus Publishing House, Iasi, 2010
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Theses and Hypotheses in Apitherapy and Apidiet, Venus Publishing House, Iasi, 2010


  • Dissertation Thesis for Master in Medical Sciences: 2006 - "Apitherapy in Family Planning"
  • PhD Thesis in Medical Sciences: 2012 - "Rebalancing Plasma Proteins by Apitherapy. Its Importance in the Treatment of Inherited or Acquired Autoimmune Diseases"(the Thesis summary is at your hand)


Papers Published as First Author

  • Andriţoiu V., Complex Apitherapy in Anemia and Leukemia, in the Compendium of International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Tiparul Publiştirea Express, Arad, 2001, 303-306.
  • Andriţoiu V., The Bee Bred, a Food and a Drug Superior to Pollen, in the Compendium of International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Tiparul Publiştirea Express, Arad, 2002, 181-186.
  • Andriţoiu V. Short Journey into the Miraculous World of Honey, Compendium of International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Tiparul Publiştirea Express, Arad, 2002, 566-571.
  • Andriţoiu V. Biochemical Composition of Bee Products, Invaluable Support in the Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases and Immunosuppression in the Compendium of International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Tiparul Publistirea Express, Arad, 2004, 133-138.
  • Andriţoiu V. Infants from the Hive. Argument for the apitherapy of Infertility, Compendium of  International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Tiparul Publiştirea Express, Arad, 2005, 490-502.
  • Andriţoiu V. Antioxidant, Antiviral and Antitumor Factors existing in the Bee Products, paper presented at the second International Conference on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Science, 7-10 June 2006.
  • Andriţoiu V., The Pollen, in chapter VI. Bee products, Apitherapy in Family Planning, thesis of dissertation, Arad, 2006, 171-173.
  • Andriţoiu V., Andriţoiu C.V., Prisacaru A.I., Researches on the Influence of Apitherapy Diet on Coagulation Parameters in Wistar Rats with CCl4 Induced Hepatopathy after Six Weeks of Treatment - work in press, Farmacia, 2011 (rated ISI, IF = 0.850).
  • Andriţoiu V., Andriţoiu C.V., Cuciureanu R., Cuciureanu M., Rump L. Researches on the Influence of Apidiet on TQ, Thrombin Time and Fibrinogen in Wistar Rats Suffering from Experimentally Acrylamide-induced liver disease, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, XV (1): 332-335, 2010 (rated B +).
  • Andriţoiu V., Andriţoiu C.V., Cuciureanu M., Cuciureanu R., Rump L. Researches on the Influence of Microelements in Wistar Apidiet on Some Rats Suffering from Experimentally-Induced Liver Disease by Acrylamide, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology XV (1): 340-344, 2010 (rated B +).
  • Andriţoiu V., Apitherapy of Endometriosis and Infertility by Endometriosis - a Medical Premier,  Compendium of  International Conference of Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 2010, pp. 34-64, ISBN 978-606-92466-1-2.
  • Andriţoiu V., Andriţoiu C.V., Preventive Vaccination against Human Papilloma Virus Infection. Opinions founded on Case Studies of Database of the Cabinet Apiregya Imunostim, Compendium of the International Conference of Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 2009, pp. 49-74, ISBN 978-973-1906-01-02.
  • Andriţoiu V., Andriţoiu C.V., Autoimmunity in the Theory and Practice of Apitherapy Medical Center, Apiregya Imunostim Compendium of International Conference of Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 2008, pp. 717-733, ISSN 1844-8127.
  • Andriţoiu V., Andriţoiu C.V., The Apitherapy - Biomedicine of Future Time Compendium of International Conference of Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 2007, pp. 770-812, ISBN 973-664-150-3.
  • Andriţoiu V., Andriţoiu C.V., New Born Babies of the Beehive. Argument from the Apitherapy of Infertility, Articles of the 1-st International Conference from USAMV (University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, AcademicPres Publishing, pp. 125-133, 2007.
  • Andriţoiu V., Andriţoiu C.V. Apitherapy of Ovarian Cysts, Compendium of the International Conference of Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 2006, pp. 517-529, ISBN (13) 978-973-664-150-3.


Papers as co-author

Papers published  in ISI Quoted Jurnals

  • Prisăcaru A.I., Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V. Researches on the Influence of Apitherapy Diet on Coagulation Parameters in Wistar Rats with Experimentally Induced Hepatopathy CCl4 after Three Weeks of Treatment, Farmacia, 2012, submitted for publication (IF = 0.850).
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Prisăcaru A.I., Popa M.I., Researches on the Influence of Minerals in Experimentally Induced Hepatopathy CCl4 after Three Weeks of Treatment, Farmacia, 2012, in press (IF = 0.850).

Papers Published in Journals Quoted B +

  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Prisăcaru A.I., Cotrutz E.C., Petreus T., partner Vicoleanu S., Popa M.I., Research Regarding the Influence of Apitherapy Diet on Number of Thrombocytes, Mean Platelet Volume and Plateled Distribution Width in Wistar Rats With CCl4 Experimentally Induced Liver Disease, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 68 (1): 30-36, 2011, (rated B +).
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Prisăcaru A.I., Cotrutz E.C., Petreus T., Popa M.I. Research Regarding the Influence of Apitherapy Diet on Leukocyte Formula in Wistar Rats with Experimentally Induced Liver Disease CCl4, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 68 (1): 20-29, 2011 (rated B +).
  • C.V. Andriţoiu, V. Andriţoiu, A.I. Prisăcaru, T. Petreus, C.E. Cotrutz, I.M.Popa, Research regarding the Influence of Six Weeks of Apitherapy Diet on Bilirubin Levels in Wistar Rats Suffering from Experimentally induced hepatotoxicity CC14, Scientific Papers "Veterinary Medicine", Iaşi ,54 (3): 15-22, 2011 (rated B +).
  • C.V. Andriţoiu, V. Andriţoiu, A.I. Prisăcaru, T. Petreus, C.E. Cotrutz, I.M Popa, Research on the Influence of Apidiet on Bilirubin in Wistar Rats Suffering from Experimentally Induced CCl4 in Liver Disease, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, XVI (1): 212-215, 2011 (rated B +).
  • C.V. Andriţoiu, V. Andriţoiu, A.I. Prisăcaru, T. Petreus, C.E. Cotrutz, I.M. Popa, Research regarding the Influence of Apitherapy Diet of Erythrocytes in Wistar Rats with Experimentally Induced CCl4 Hepatotoxicity, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, XVI (1): 216-221, 2011 (rated B +).
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Cuciureanu M., Cuciureanu R., Researches on the Influence of Apidiet on Bilirubin in Wistar Rats Suffering from Experimentally Acrylamide Induced Liver Disease, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, XV (1): 336-339, 2010 (rated B +).
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Ciubotariu D., Andriţoiu V., Plai A.V. Ghiciuc C.M., Lupuşoru R., L. Tart, Lupuşoru E.C. Research on the Influence of Apidiet on Serum Proteins Profile in Acetaminophen Experimentally Induced Hepatopathy in Wistar Rats, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology Cluj-Napoca, XIV: 117-123, 2009 (rated B +).
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Cuciureanu M., Cuciureanu R., Ghiciuc C.M., Rump L., Manole A., Lupuşoru E.C. Research on Apidiet Influence of Lipidic Profiles in Wistar Rat Suffering from Hepatopathy Induced by Acrylamide, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology Cluj-Napoca, XIV: 112-116, 2009 (rated B +).

Papers Published in Journals with ISBN

  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V, Popa M.I., Influence of Apidietei on Enzyme Profile in Wistar Rats with Acrylamide Experimentally Induced Liver Disease, paper published in the Compendium of the International Conference of complementary and alternative therapies, pp 65-74, 2010, ISBN 978-606 - 92466-1-2.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andritoiu V., Popa M.I., Influence of Apidiet on Protein Profile in Wistar Rats with Acrylamide Experimentally Induced Liver Disease, paper published in the Compendium of the International Conference of Complementary and Alternative Therapies, pp 74-84, 2010, ISBN 978-606 - 92466-1-2.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Popa M.I., Influence o Apidiet on Protein Blood Counts in Wistar Rats with Acrylamide Experimentally Induced Liver Disease, paper published in the Compendium of the International Conference ofCcomplementary and Alternative Therapies, pp84to 105.2010, ISBN 978-606 - 92466-1-2.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Foia I., Zonda G.I. Goriuc A., Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" on some Liver Biochemical Constants in Toxic Cirrhosis Induced by CCl4, Surgical Journal of the Society of Physicians and Naturalists, 2008, vol 112, no. 2, Supplement No. 2, 13-18, ISSN: 0048-7848.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Zonda G.I. Foia L., M. Carlan, Costuleanu M., Congenital Haemolytic Anemia and Effects of Experimental Treatment with Apitherapy, DentalMedicine between Reality and Paradigms. International Congress "Days of Dental Medicine Iaşi" Demiurg Publishing House, Iaşi, 2008, 13-18.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" (ApiImunostim, Apihepatomod and Apiregya) of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" in Toxic Cirrhosis Induced by CCl4 in the Compendium of International Conference of Complementary and Alternative Therapies, 2008, 691-700, Arad, ISSN 1844-8127.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., A Medical Premiere: the Apiterapeutical Healing of Hepatitis of Various Etiologies, Articles of the 1-st International Conference from Veterinary Medicine (University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine) AcademicPres Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, ISBN 978-973-744-072-3, pp. 115-124.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Apitherapy of Hepatitis and Liver Cirrhosis, Compendium of the International Conference of complementary and alternative therapies, 505-507, 2006, ISBN (13) 978-973-664-150-3.


Summaries Published in B + Quoted Journals

  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Hritcu D., Popa M.I., Study of the Influence of Apitherapy in Acrylamide Experimentally Induced Liver Disease Regarding the Blood Count Parameters in WistarRats, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 67 (1): 354, 2010 (rated B + journal, ISSN 1843-5270), published in summary, presented poster;
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Hritcu D., Popa M.I., Study of the Influence of Apitherapy in Acrylamide Induced Liver Disease Experimentaly Regarding the Liver Enzyme Profiles in Wistar Rats, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, volume 67 , Issue 1-2010, 355. (Rated B + journal, ISSN 1843-5270), published in summary, presented poster;
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Hritcu D., Popa M.I., Study ofthe Influence of Apitherapyin AcrylamideInducedLiverDiseaseExperimentalyRegardingtheProteinProfilesinWistarRats, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, volume67, Issue 1-2010, 356. (Rated B + journal, ISSN 1843-5270).
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Cuciureanu R., Cuciureanu M., Ghiciuc C.M., Rump L., LupuşoruC.E.  Researches on the Influence of Apidiet on the TQ of the thrombin time and fibrinogen in Wistar Rats with Acrylamide Experimentally Induced Liver Disease, theXXVII annual scientific session of the Society of Cell Biology, 11 to 14 June Cluj-Napoca, National Society of Cell Biology Bulletin, no. 37, June 2009, 124.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., L. Tartău, Cuciureanu M., Cuciureanu R., Ghiciuc C.M., Lupuşoru E.C. Researches on the Influence of Apidiet on the Bilirubin in Wistar Rats with Acrylamide Experimentally Induced Liver Disease, the XXVII Annual Scientific Session of the Society of Cell Biology, 11 to 14 June Cluj-Napoca, the National Society for Cell Biology Bulletin, 37: 125, 2009.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Ghiciuc C.M., Cuciureanu M, Cuciureanu R., L. Tart, Lupuşoru E.C. Researches on the Influence of Apidiet on some Microelements in Wistar Rats with Acrylamide Experimentally Induced Liver Disease, the XXVII Annual Scientific Session of the Society of Cell Biology, 11 to 14 June Cluj-Napoca, the National Society for Cell Biology Bulletin, no. 37, June 2009, 126.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Cuciureanu M., Cuciureanu R., Ghiciuc C.M., Rump L., LupuşoruE.C. Researches on the Influence of Apidietei in Acrylamide Induced Liver Disease on Serum Protein Electrophoresis, the XXVII Annual Scientific Session of the Society of Cell Biology, 11 to 14 June Cluj-Napoca, the National Society for Cell Biology Bulletin, no. 37, June 2009, 127.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Plai AV IG Zonda, Goriuc A., Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" on some Liver Biochemical Constants (TGO, TGP, alkaline phosphatase, GGT) in Experimentally Induced Cirrhosis Toxic with CCl4, theXXVIAnnual Scientific Session of the Society of Cell Biology, 12 to 15 June Cluj-Napoca, the National Society for Cell Biology Bulletin, no. 36, June 2008, pp. 27 (paper was presented at a round table).
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Plai A.V. Dram L., Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" on some Liver Biochemical Constants (total cholesterol, triglycerides, VLDL, HDL, LDL) in Experimental ly Induced Toxic Cirrhosis with CCl4 , inAbstractsoftheNinth National Congress of the Romanian Society of Morphology, Craiova, May 2008, 78.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Plai A.V. Dram L., Costuleanu M. Effects of "Stupina" Apitherapy Products on Electrophoretic Analysis Tests in CCl4 Induced Toxic Liver Cirrhosis, the Ninth National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Digestive Endoscopy , Science, June 2008, Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, An International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 156-157.


Papers Published in Journals with ISBN in Summary

  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Costuleanu M. Effects of "Stupina" Apitherapy Products on Some Hepatic Biochemical Tests (TQ,% prothrombin INR, thrombin time, fibrinogen, serum K) in CCl4-Induced Toxic Liver Cirrhosis, the XII-th International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper published in the Compendium of Works, November 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Costuleanu M. Effects of "Stupina" Apitherapy Products on Some Biochemical Liver Tests (serum K, serum Ca, Ca ion, Fe) in CCl4-induced Toxic Liver Cirrhosis, to the Twelfth International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper published in the Compendium, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Costuleanu M. Effects of "Stupina" Apitherapy Products on Some Biochemical Liver Tests (Ig A, Ig G, Ig M, Ig E) in CCl4-induced Toxic Liver Cirrhosis, tothe XII-th International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper published in the Compendium of Works, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Costuleanu M. Effects of "Stupina" Apitherapy Products on Hematological Test in CCl4-induced Toxic Liver Cirrhosis, to the Twelfth International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper works published in the Compendium, 2008
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Plai A.V. Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" on some Liver Biochemical Constants (TGO, TGP, FA, GGT) in Cirrhosis Induced by Acetaminophen, to the XII-th International Conference of Complementary Therapies, Arad paper published in the Compendium of Works, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Land Ancuţa Vasilica, M Costuleanu: Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" (ApiImunostim, Apihepatomod and Apiregya) of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" in Cirrhosis Induced by Acetaminophen Drug on the Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, VLDL, LDL, HDL, to theXII-th International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper works published in the Compendium, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Land Ancuţa Vasilica, Marcel Costuleanu: Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" in Cirrhosis Induced by Acetaminophen Drug on TQ,% PT, INR, fibrinogen and serum K, to the XII –th International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper works published in the Compendium, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Plai A.V. Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" in Drug-induced Cirrhosis with Serum Acetaminophen on K, Ca levels, Ca ion, Fe2 +, at the XII-th International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper works published in the Compendium, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Plai A.V. Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" in Acetaminophen Drug Induced Cirrhosis on  Ig A, Ig G, Ig M, Ig E, the-XII-th International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper works published in the Compendium, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Plai A.V. Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" in Cirrhosis Induced by Acetaminophen Drug on Blood Count, the Twelfth International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper published in the Compendium of Works, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Cuciureanu R., Cuciureanu M, Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" on Liver Damage Induced by Acrylamide on TGO, TGP, FA, GGT, theXII-thInternationalConference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper works published in the Compendium, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Cuciureanu R., Cuciureanu M, Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" on Liver Damage Induced by Acrylamide on Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, VLDL, HDL, LDH, theXII-th International Conference Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper works published in the Compendium, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Cuciureanu R., Cuciureanu M, Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" on Liver Damage Induced by Acrylamide on TQ,% Prothrombin, INR, fibrinogen and serum K , theXII-th International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper works published in the Compendium, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Cuciureanu R., Cuciureanu M, Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" in Acrylamide Induced Liver Disease on serum K, serum Ca, Ca ion, Fe, theXII-thInternationalConferenceon Complementary Therapies, Arad, paper works published in the Compendium, 2008.
  • Andriţoiu C.V., Andriţoiu V., Cuciureanu R., Cuciureanu M, Costuleanu M. Effects of Apitherapy Products "Stupina" of the Medical Cabinet "Apiregya Imunostim" in Liver Damage Induced by Acrylamide on the Blood Count , the XII-th International Conference on Complementary Therapies, Arad paper published in the Compendium of Works, 2008.

Invention Patents (in co-operation with my son, MD CălinAndrițoiu)

  • Invention Patent for 4  apiphytotherapical prepared products: “the apiphytotherapical products ApiImunomod , ApiImunostim, ApiImunostim Forte, Apiregya" the patent was registered with the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks on 11/29/2010 at OSIM Registry no. A/01242.
  • Starter of the range of honey bee products including:

Centaur I Centaur II, Centaur III, Ares I, Ares II, Ares III Apiregya I Apiregya II, Apiregya III Melanovit I Melanovit II, Melanovit III 20% propolis tincture, propolis tincture 30% soft extract of propolis, tincture prorubid 20%, 30% prorubid tincture, tincture Taton, tincture Vecadon; Vecadon (rubbing) Apicalciu I Apicalciu II Prisaca Vinegar, vinegar of pollen, Apialbumin I Apialbumin II Apidigest I Apidigest II Apimineralia I Apimineralia II Apifertil I Apifertil II, Apifertil III Apizinc; Apitirozină, I Pigment, Pigment II, Apicalb I Apicalb II ApiRin I ApiRin II Hepatotonic Prisaca, Anti-inflammatory Prisaca; Hemorstop (ointment), Hemorstop (suppositories) Apicitosan I Apicitosan II Apiliponorm etc.


The honey bee products are produced by the laboratories Apitherapy Medical Center, employing mainly the  products of the company apiaries, whose harvests come from the mountains area and the subcarpathian hills. Produced by our own methods, the honey bee products are prescribed only by the cabinets APYREGIA IMUNOSTIM (within Apitherapy Medical Center).

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