

Perhaps some of those who would dare to read this work, would ask themselves whether it makes sense for its economy, first to talk about the apitherapy and then about the apiprophylaxis. Indeed, it would be normal to put in question the apiprophylaxis first. If, however, we did inversely, there are reasons that led us to this order.

As I said, the notion of the apiprophylaxis is ours and was introduced by us in the scientific circuit. But, to get to know the apiprophylactic potential of the honey bee therapeutic products:

- it took lengthy comments on the therapeutic potential of the honey bee therapeutic products in an increasingly wide range of human diseases

- over time, especially mothers who have called to apitherapy for infertility and other health problems have turned themselves to our method for their sons or daughters, brothers or sisters or even for the parents, too; as the medical documents submitted by the patients pre-and post-apitherapy, along with the information provided by the survey of the family history remain in our database, we were able to make comparisons and observations; we have seen and compared, in many cases the health development, of the clinical and laboratory point of view, for two and even three generations of the same family; the constant repetition of the imbalances in the laboratory tests, for example with the successors of mothers who had the same disease, led us to the idea of ​​the possibility of rebalancing their biological samples, thereby halting the progress toward the beginning of one or another disease: we’ll support with a sufficient number of cases this aspect of apiprophylaxis valences;

- in addition, the medical records of our database, illustrating the condition / disease of the patients in their evolution can highlight that using the honey bee therapeutic products from the apiprophylactic point of view, we could stop the foreseeable development toward a new disease onset or the progress to another, secondary  form of organic manifestation of the primary disease;

- the success of the apiprophylaxis increased especially when we asked to the patients that among the medical laboratory tests be included: the total protein (PT), fibrinogen and serum protein electrophoresis with immunoglobulins IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM, determination of electrolytes and of these especially of the ionic calcium (Ca2 +), not only of the total serum calcium (CaT); determination not only of the total cholesterol,  but also of its fractions (HDL, LDL and VLDL), which, reported to the total lipidaemia (LT), triglycerides and lipase, interpreted within clinical context, may provide the information not only about the present state of health, but also on the evolution toward a future condition; when we’ll present concrete cases, the reader will understand the predictive value of these tests; once more, they are made up in an argument - as I said and I repeat - for introducing these laboratory tests among the routine medical tests.

Because if only listing the diseases whose onset can be prevented by apitherapy would require too much time and they will be discussed more extensively in the next heads, we confine ourselves here to mention only a few.

Uterine fibroid occurrence can be prevented especially by maintaining or restoring the over-unit ratio of albumin / globulin (A / G) and of a physiological ionization rate of the serum calcium. When the albumin falls below a certain limit, starts the process of neoangiogenesis, of increased synthesis and accumulation of the collagen and other proteins; the fibromatosis / uterin fibroids can be prevented by rebalancing the ratio A / G and raising the level of the serum albumin corresponding to a proportional increase of the rate of calcium ionization; usually, the occurrence of the fibromatosis / uterine fibroid corresponds to the occurrence of a fibroglandular breast  structure, especially if there is an increase in prolactin (which is even more pronounced, as the breasts are more tensed before menstrution); occurs the fibrocystic mastose (mammary nodes), particularly mammary neoplasia risk after the menopause (the most important cause of breast cancer); it can lead to hysterectomy - total or free anexectomy - with hipoestrogenemia, which further reduces the calcium ionization rate with the increase of the resorption of the bone calcium and the development of the osteoporosis; these developments are usually associated with chronic fatigue, increased irritability, anxiety, depression, etc.. Of the apiprophylactic point of view, rebalancing the ratio A / G in interdependence with the increase of the simultaneous percentage of Ca2 +, can prevent the uterine fibromatosis. Under these conditions no longer takes place the neoangiogenesis (neovascularization).

Uterine fibroids does not prohibit the installation of pregnancy (only at a certain size and in a certain positioning). As we’ll see from the cases that we are going to submit to the attention, there are cases where mothers suffer from uterine fibroids in the years following the birth, which means that the hypoalbuminemia and ionic hypocalcaemia, already present in pregnancy, have not yet abated at the level that caused the occurrence of the uterine fibroid. Let us not forget that in fetal life, during its growth until birth, the fetal body can not benefit than of the  substances existing in the mother's body. Since the ionic calcium increases or decreases with the increasing or decreasing of albumin, the hypocalcemia and hypoalbuminemia of the mother will be present in the fetal body, too. These kids will be whiny, irritable, with a possible rickets with delayed ossification. They may suffer from bronchitis and even asthma at an age of even several months after birth, they are prone to allergic rhinitis and nasal polyps (the decrease of the albumin causes the pathological excessive synthesis of the fibrous proteins, especially of the collagen). It can happen even to be born with disease where is present the fibrosis of some body organs as, for example, the endocardic fibroelastosis (infant cardiac fibrosis). The children of the mothers with hypoalbuminemia and hypocalcemia, especially the girls, are evolving easier toward juvenile polyarthritis and other autoimmune diseases. It's almost a rule that the daughters of mothers with hypoalbuminaemia and hypocalcaemia be their hormonal reverse. They cross the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), have a pronounced premenstrual syndrome and, especially if they take estroprogestatives – for the purpose of treatment or as contraceptives, they reach the endometriosis. The rebalance of A / G, which occurs under the aprophylactic way, synchronously with increasing the Ca2 +  can be done at any age, so that any of these conditions can be prevented.

Kidney stones and calcification are the "privilege" of the persons whose A / G ratio is less. Even with a total serum calcium (CaT) located at the lower limit of the laboratory reference, not only in the elevated serum calcium levels, under the hypoalbuminemia occur calcifications and stones. The rebalance of the A / G ratio will stop the lithiasis or calcification accumulation.

Autoimmune or chronic hepatitis can be stopped to evolve into cirrhosis, if - are done the investigations Fibrotest or FibroMax – is limited the fibrillar proteins synthesis.

Rebalancing physiological estradiol-progesterone- prolactin ratio, may prohibit the acne, the appearance of the ovarian polycystic,  androgenization, infertility, endometriosis etc… .

Autoimmune diseases can be avoided. Any autoimmune disease onset is almost impossible if the albumin (ALB) and Ca2 + are in the body within the physiological limits. If the tests are made on time, they can be apiprophylactically restored within normal limits. And if started the course of the synthesis of autoantibodies, without any risk to be criticized with scientific arguments that we exaggerate, we state that the apitherapy is unique in its potential of negativating them. Our method about the apitherapy and apiprophylaxis of the autoimmune diseases is a medical first.

Most cardio-circulatorydiseases can be apiprophylactically avoided by balancing the proteins and lipids synthesis by the physiological restoration of the calcium metabolism etc…

Duration and comfort of elderly life is extended by many years by rebalancing apiprophylactically the ratio A / G, the phospho-calcium balance and of the physiological lipidaemia, etc…

At this stage of the work, all the above have only a statement value. In the chapter "Disease. Studies and Clinical Cases ", with the presentation of the concrete cases, supported by medical documents, we’ll prove these allegations.

But before, we need to put into question the need for some medical tests which guide more precisely the clinicians in the prophylaxis and therapy. We are not only talking about apitherapeutists, but also about the classic clinician.

We will discuss where we think to be necessary, including the adoption – by the medical analysis laboratories – of new reference ranges of the values ​​of different biological samples. The reference limits registered as normal in the bulletins of medical analyses must exclude the disease ! Or, the way the minimum-maximum limits of laboratory references are now established for some tests, they are inaccurate. The values ​​of the one or other of analyses fall into the bars of references, but the man is already progressing to disease or illness. Such a condition does not work: nor for the clinician or the patient. We take the risk of the observations about the above mentioned, if they will be rigorously scientific, demonstrable.

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