

The apilarnil is larva triturated product obtained from brood larvae, which are harvested at a certain age: according to the therapeutic target which can not ignore the stage of their cellular differentiation. The apilarnil contains inclusively substances to be found out in the cells of the combs, a result of feeding activities performed by the nurse bees. The bee and food value of this product is remarkable. For example, it contains haemolymph, which is much richer in nutrients than the human blood.

Physical Features: appearace of relatively homogeneous mass, white, light aromatic characteristic odor, taste astringent sensitive.

Biochemical Composition: water - 65-75% dry matter - 25-35%, protein: 9-12%.

Carbohydrates: glucose - 6-10% fructose - 3.16%, 0.03% sucrose, other sugars directly assimilated.

Fat: 5-8%. (Dagh, 1991).

Ash: 2%; substances undetermined: 1.1 to 1.2%.

Vitamins: all soluble - A, D, E, K -, all hydrosoluble (C and group B).

Minerals: All those in honey, pollen and royal jelly.

Enzymes: the whole range of enzymes (Hammerl et al., 1960, Cipla et al., 1991).

Hormones, particularly steroid hormones and somathormons (Dagh, 1991; Andritoiu, 2006).

Minerals: calcium - 14 mg% magnesium - 2 mg%, phosphorus - 199 mg%, iron - 3.23 mg%, copper - 1,1 mg%, zinc - 5.54 mg%, sodium - 38 mg% - potassium 0.5 mg% etc.

Vitamins: Vitamin A - 0.54 IU / g, beta carotene (provitamin A) - 0.426 mg%, xantofiline-0.297 mg% -0.739 mg% vitamin B1, vitamin B2 - 0.739 mg%), vitamin PP (niacin) - 15 , 8 mg%, choline - 442.8 mg% (Makarova, 1969).

Amino acids: lysine - 0.75 g%, histidine - 0.33 g%, arginine - 0.51 g% asparagic acid - 1.5 g%, threonine - 0.41 g%, serine - 0.46%, glutamic acid - 1.73 g%, proline - 0.8 g%, glycine - 0.84% ​​alanine - 0.66 g%, valine - 0.68 g%, methionine - 0.31 g% - isoleucine 0 , 56 g%, leucine - 0.95 g%, tyrosine - 0.45 g%, phenylalanine - 0.46 g% (total 11.4 g% amino acids) (Iliesiu, 1991). An important fact is the large amount of amino acids (1.28 g%), directly assimilable substances for their protein synthesis and enzymatic substrates (Iliesiu, 1991; Dagh, 1991; Razus, 1991; Mărghitaş, 2005; Andrițoiu, 2005, 2006 Andrițoiu and Andrițoiu, 2010).

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