

In Romania, as in many other countries, the beekeepers are people who have an “one that in addition” in comparison with many others. The bee is for them not only a means of livelihood or an occupation practiced in leisure. These people fall in love. For bees and for nature. The beekeepers love the bees so much like you love a beautiful woman adorned with the housewife qualities with gold hands and the nature is her house where she lives happily. The house where she remains beautiful, healthy and rich, fulfilled with the gifts of the land and sky. Daughter of the sun, the bee fills its treasuries from the flowers which for her mean the life itself, but to which, in its turn, it gives life, carrying their pollens from one another.

The beekeepers are people living longer! Not only since the medicines-food that are offered by the bee give them years of long, healthy life. They are people who do not forget, but they are also people who know. What you forget, there is not any longer, even if there was sometime. The more things from the previous past years the people can keep in their memory, the more long is their life. If you ​​ask the beekeepers how it was in this or that year, a decade ago or more, anyone will be amazed at the precision with which they remember when flourished the nuts trees or raspberries, if it was cold, rainy, or sunny and plenty of honey, for what needs or joys served the money earned then. If they were to the apiaries in pastoral they know how their home stayed, if they encountered any trouble in the mountains or in the plains, where they exactly were when  was born any child, where their children had gone to school, who was the mayor at that year, which callow has cut by chainsaw on one or the other side of the mountains or hills, deforesting them with or without permission taken from the office of any greedy hamsters and many, many other things. All and all, are accompanied, are reported year after year, to the beekeeping. Not so the case with the officers of the offices, which are drowning daily in standardized paperworks today as tomorrow, as the next day. Not so the case with the workers in a factory - day after day, year after year, the operations they did do yesterday and today and tomorrow will be like. A day, a month, a year, several years, come to be confused, to overlap and compress the time. Especially the urban dwellers have their revenge of memorable moments – these are those of wages, or the number of days until this, especially if these wages are not too satifactory for their needs.

I said that the beekeepers are people who know. They not only know what they needs are, but also what are the needs of the bees. There are, for example, some works in the bee colony which if were not done  today, tomorrow will be too late. They know the laws that govern the life of the bee colony. They know according to certain signs, only watching the flight of the bees on the plank of bee entrance, whether life is or is not okay in the colony. They know, according to the "soft" or cold winters, when will bloom the buds, horn tree or hazelnut, when the bloomed acacia will let free their nectar sources.

They know when or if the mountain – according to other signs of them - will give or not give the honeydew honey. They know, according to certain signs, how long it will be the autumn and if  the amazons will banish drones, a sign of cessation of the nectar gathering. Knowing, they live in fear of the deadly chemical treatment. They can not live without bees, and the bees can only live in the living, clean, healthy nature as God has given us!

I do not know if the beekeepers know, but I know ! After years of questions in the left and right among these people that I love, after searching for years in the medical literature from us or elsewhere, I know that I have not met, in words or in reported medical cases, any apiarist to be suffering from Alzheimer. This sinful condition, meaning self-oblivion, stays away from these people. If this is the disease of advanced ages, the octogenarian or nonagenarian beekeepers are not a rarity. No big deal to encounter at the edge of any acacia forests, or in a mountain meadow, beekeepers of venerable age. Stepping the earth with pleasure, they have light in the eyes and youth movements. And after a day of work, resting their weary bones, in a wheel shape along the firelight, when the honey brandy glass passes from hand to hand, if you tease them with questions and you know how to listen them, you’ll learn stories of other times, hard to forget .

In the same time you also learn how, by what gift (product) of the bees and what herbs they healed their wounds or affliction. Of their own, or those of relatives or friends. The beekeepers know more about the diseases where the remedies are the products of the hives, from honey to  venom. They inherited useful teachings - those which I include among the notions of folk medicine or empirical medicine. Of course, nobody can claim that these people explain scientifically, at the level of the cell biology which are the dysfunctions of the one or the other of the diseases or indicate at the level of the medical biochemistry, which namely of the bioactive substances contained in the bee products are indicated and which is their pharmacokinetic action. The empirical medicine, the pharmacopoeia, are only the beginning of many branches of the nowadays modern medicine.

Then, when it comes to raising its actual rank to the rank of medical sciences with clinical meanings, the apitherapy can not remain at the stage of the folk medicine. The modern apitherapeutist, in addition to the medical knowledges, must be able to use honey bee therapeutic products the structure of which, as bioactive substances, be known and dosed depending upon the therapeutic target with proven efficacy and safety in the management of basic and clinical research.

In our professional training, an important step was to obtain the recognition of the therapeutic potential of the honey bee therapeutic products by the higher medical education, by preparing and submitting scientific papers, resulting in titles of master and doctor in medical sciences. These works are the result of basic and clinical medical research that we have undertaken, the price of which, measured in years of work,  was not insignificant.

The dissertation theses for obtaining the Master in medical sciences have themes where the apitherapy hold a central role:

- Andriţoiu Călin Vasile (six masters):

1. 2003-2004, Master, Faculty of Medicine: “Cell Biology Techniques in Diagnosis of     Diseases", Western University “Vasile Goldis” - Arad, Master's thesis: “Biostimulation of the body with natural products and complementary therapy techniques” (2005 ).

2. 2005-2007, Master, Faculty of ​​Psychology and Educational Sciences, “Psychology and Psychotherapy of Couple and Family "-  Alexandru Ioan Cuza - Iasi, Master's thesis: “Psychoneuroendocrinology of Female Sexuality "(2007),

3.  2007-2008, Faculty of Pharmacy, Master, “Vegetable Products: Drug, Nutritional Supplement, Food ", University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Gr.T. Popa - Iasi, Master thesis “Romanian Apiphytotherapic Preparations. Apitherapy Products of Apiary Stupina" (2008),

4. 2008-2009 Master in medical sciences, specialty Nutrition, “Fundamentals of Clinical Nutrition" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Gr.T. Popa - Iasi, Master's thesis "Researches on Apidiet Role in Damage Induced by Exposure to a Toxic Food (or Acrylamide) " (2009).

5. 2009-2010, Master, Faculty of Pharmacy, “Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing", University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Gr.T. Popa - Iasi, Master's thesis: “Development of a Medical Center of Apitherapy to European standards. Apiregya Imunostim Medical Center "(2010).

6. 2010-2011, Master, Faculty of ​​Medicine, “Clinical Epidemiology. Multicausal Diseases Study Methodology ", University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Gr.T. Popa - Iasi, Master's thesis,"Assessing the Effectiveness of Apitherapy Products in the Pathology Induced by Industrial Toxics"(2011).

- Andriţoiu Vasile :                 

7. 2004-2006, Masters in Medical Sciences, Faculty of ​​Medicine, Section Cellular Biology Techniques in the Diagnosis of Diseases, Master's thesis "Apitherapy in Family Planning", 2006.

Theses for obtaining the title of doctor in medical sciences, whose themes are basic and clinical researches on the effects of the honey bee therapeutic products:

* Andriţoiu Călin Vasile,

- PhD in Health Sciences of the prestigious University of Medicine and Pharmacy " T. Popa ", Iași, in 2009, submitting the thesis "Effects of Apitherapy Products on Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Liver Cirrhosis". Result of the basic scientific research, the thesis demonstrates the effects of the honey bee therapeutic products we produce within the Apitherapy Medical Center on the cirrhosis caused to Winstar rats in three different ways: by administering the carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) by administrating the acetaminophen and acrylamide. The results obtained in the remission of the liver cirrhosis in the rats used in the research, determined Dr. Călin Vasile Andrițoiu to deepen the knowledge of the therapeutic potential of the honey bee therapeutic products. Within the three years of postdoctoral studies he is currently following the investigation of the therapeutic effects of the bee polymers and continues to publish in the prestigious medical journals (rated B + and ISI) the results of the studies undertaken at this stage of his training in the apitherapy. Now, as I am writing this, he is in France, where he continues the research on the bee polymers.

* Andrițoiu Vasile

- PhD in medical sciences of the same prestigious University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr T. Popa", Iași, from 2012, by submitting the thesis "Rebalancing through Apitherapy the Plasma Proteins by Rebalancing Serum Proteins. Its Importance in the Treatment of Inherited or Acquired Autoimmune Diseases".

If Dr. Călin Vasile Andrițoiu approached in his thesis, at the level of the basic medical research, the effects of the honey bee therapeutic products we produce in the remission of the induced liver cirrhoses, in the thesis that I have submitted I approached the study of the clinical effects of the honey bee therapeutic products we produce in a number of congenital or acquired autoimmune diseases (infantile asthma, antiphospholipid syndrome, lupus erythematosus - with severe and systemic organ - the Human Papilloma Virus infections negativation, negativation of viral etiology of hepatitis viruses (B, B + D and C), nutritional toxic hepatites remission of autoimmune hepatites and of liver cirrhoses. We demonstrated that the serum proteins electrophoresis, rarely performed as a routine, as the determination of the ionic calcium, should become a routine medical examination. Along with other medical investigations, given the interdependence we have demonstrated between the albumin and ionic calcium values, I consider it to be particularly important in the diagnosis and monitoring the treatment efficacy and safety in autoimmune diseases and not only for that. Correctly interpreted, they can indicate when some chronic diseases evolve toward autoimmunity. It's especially the case of the viral or other etiologies hepatitis, which, becoming chronic, may also become autoimmune, so going to the cirrhosis stage.

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